The Terms and Conditions contained herein shall apply when You purchase Our Products through Our Website. Before placing any Order, please read these Terms and Conditions. Please note that purchasing any Products through this Website shall mean that You have read, understood, accepted and agreed to these Terms and Conditions as well as Our Privacy Policy and Statement and other rules and policies posted on the Website. All Products purchased from this Website are bound by these Terms and Conditions. In the event of discrepancy or inconsistency between these Terms and Conditions and the Terms and Conditions and Declaration of the Use of Website, the provisions of these Terms and Conditions shall prevail.

  1. Definitions
    • “Applicable Laws” means any legislation, regulations, rules, codes, or other similar documents issued or given by any legal, regulatory or governmental or authorities as are applicable to You and Us at the relevant time.
    • “Contract” means a contract which We and You agree to enter into for Our sale of and Your purchase of the Products made through this Website in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
    • “Delivery Address” means the address designated in Your Order where the Products are delivered thereto.
    • “Delivery Date” means the date, agreed by You and Us, of delivery or pick-up of the Products/Services in Your Order.
    • “Hong Kong” means the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China.
    • “Intellectual Property Rights” means all intellectual property rights of whatever nature, including (but not limited to) patents, designs, trademarks, database or copyrights, whether or not registered or registrable by any means, and all rights to file an application for registration of such rights.
    • “Order” means an online order submitted through this Website by You to purchase Our Products/Services.
    • “Order Confirmation” means the confirmation sent by Us (whether by email, text message or other means We deem appropriate) to You upon the successful acceptance of Your Order.
    • “Overseas” means regions or countries outside of Hong Kong.
    • “Product(s)” means the product(s) and/or peripherals of the product(s) available for sale on this Website, and such product(s) as You designate in the purchase form is the subject matter of this Contract.
    • “Service(s)” means the service(s) available for sale on this Website, and such service(s) as You designate in the purchase form is the subject matter of this Contract.
    • “Product Replacement” means the replacement of a Product in accordance with the Replacement Policy and these Terms and Conditions in effect at the relevant time.
    • “Terms and Conditions” means the terms and conditions as contained herein.
    • “We” or “Us” means Regal Silver Limited.
    • “Website” means
    • “You” means you and all persons who purchase the Products/Services through this Website.
  2. Basis of this Contract
    • All transactions of Products/Services made through this Website are subject to these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions prevail over any other terms and conditions issued to You additionally in the Order. For the avoidance of doubt, these Terms and Conditions are not applicable to any sale and purchase at physical stores / through dealers.
    • By placing an Order to us, You hereby warrant and represent that:
      • You have attained the age of 18 or other minimum age requirement for entering into any binding contracts in Your jurisdiction and possess the capacity and ability to enter into legally binding contracts;
      • in registering an account, placing an Order and in Your use of the Website, You agree to (where necessary) provide information about Yourself (email address, real name, phone number, billing information and other requested information as indicated on the Website) and that they are true, accurate, current, and complete;
      • You understand that We only sell and deliver the Products/Services to end customers; and
      • You undertake not to resell or supply the Products (including any parts thereof) outside Hong Kong or to any person whom You are aware or have reason to believe, may resell and supply such Products (including any parts thereof).
  3. General Conditions of Sale of Products
    • To the fullest extent permitted by the Applicable Laws, We do not make and expressly disclaims any warranties, statements, representations or opinions regarding the suitability and fitness for any particular purpose, the durability under any circumstances, the similarity with samples, the merchantability or any other aspects of the Products/Services supplied.
    • No agent or representative of Us is authorized to make any warranty, representation or statement with regards to the Products/Services; We shall not be bound by any such unauthorized warranty, representation or statement.
    • Responsibilities
      1. We shall make all reasonable efforts to ensure that prices, details and sizes of Products on the Website are up-to-date. We reserve the rights to change the prices of the Products without notice and all Orders are subject to Our acceptance at Our sole discretion and stock availability.
      2. We shall make all reasonable efforts to ensure Product(s) displayed on the Website are in stock. If any Product is not available to customers due to out of stock, We reserve the right to offer alternative product(s) of same type and price.
      3. All Orders are subject to final confirmation of availability and We reserve the right to reject the Order in the event that any of the Products or Services requested are unavailable.
      4. Our liability, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, for any loss, damage or injury arising directly or indirectly from the defect or non-compliance of the Products or Our other breach of duty set forth herein shall in no event exceed an amount equivalent to the price of the Products, and We disclaim responsibility for any amount in excess thereof.
      5. We disclaim any responsibility for any consequently arising, indirect or special damages or losses of whatever nature; We also disclaim any responsibility for damages or losses caused by the customer’s employees, agents, buyers, or any other persons.
      6. You must ensure that the Products will not be used for inappropriate purposes, and be responsible for using all necessary skill and care in handling and using the Products. You expressly acknowledge and agree that, to the fullest extent permitted by the Applicable Laws, We accept no obligations or responsibility regarding any advice or data provided with respect to the Products. We also disclaim all responsibility for any inaccuracy or error in such data. You must assume full risks on acceptance of the Products/Services.
  4. Placing an Order
    • The effectiveness of all Orders are subject to Our acceptance and stock availability of such Orders, and items which You have placed in Your shopping cart are not reserved and may be purchased by other customers.
    • The Order You placed with Us will be Your offer to Us to purchase/redeem the Products as indicated in Your Order. Once You have placed an Order with Us, You shall, to the fullest extent permitted by the Applicable Laws and except as provided in these Terms and Conditions, neither cancel nor vary the Order howsoever.
    • We may confirm Our receipt of Order after receiving Your Order which shall not be treated as Our acceptance of the Order. If any or all parts of Your Order are successfully accepted, You will receive the Order Confirmation issued by Us in respect of the related Products, thereby a legally binding contract will be formed (which shall be subject to these Terms and Conditions). A legally binding contract in respect of any Products designated in the Order will not be formed unless and until Your receipt of Our Order Confirmation.
    • We reserve the right not to accept Your Order in the event, for example, that We are unable to obtain authorization for payment, that shipping restrictions apply to a particular item, that the item ordered is out of stock or does not satisfy Our quality control standards and is withdrawn, or that You do not meet the requirements set out in these Terms and Conditions. We reserve the right to at Our sole and absolution discretion accept, decline or vary any requests raised in Your Order or decline to provide the Products/Services to anyone. We will not be liable to You or any third party by reason of Our (i) withdrawal of any Products/Services from the Website whether or not such items have been sold, (ii) removal, screening or editing of any materials or contents on the Website or (iii) refusal to process a transaction or suspension or cancellation of any transaction after processing of it has begun.
    • We do not guarantee any Products are available for sale at any time. If We cannot satisfy any Order (or any part thereof) for any reason, we reserve the right to cancel the Order (in full or in or any part thereof) and refund the relevant amount (or the relevant part thereof) which You have paid to Us and shall not be liable to You or any person should We exercise such right. If any Product in Your Order is not available, We will inform You accordingly.
  5. Price and Payment
    • We accept credit cards or other payment methods as indicated on the landing page of the Website from time to time.
    • You understand that You are solely responsible for meeting the authentication or other security requirements of the providers of the credit card or other payment or settlement service. You hereby represent and warrant that You are the legitimate owner of the credit card or the legitimate user of the payment method used to pay for the Order.
    • You agree that Your credit card or other (if applicable) payment shall be processed by the service providers engaged by Us. You hereby agree that particulars of Your credit card or details of payment shall be passed to the relevant financial institution(s) through such service providers.
    • You agree to indemnify Us for any claims, losses, and damages whatsoever arising from any third party actions by reason of any person placing any Order for the Products/Services using Your account, Your credit card or Your other payment methods. You shall be responsible for notifying the relevant financial institution and/or agent and/or service provider of and be liable for any changes to Your personal records, loss, theft or unauthorized use of Your credit card or your other payment methods.
    • We will from time to time update this Website and any specifications and prices of the Products/Services published herein. Please visit this Website regularly in order to obtain the latest information.
    • We have the right to at any time set credit limits and/or limits to the quantity of Products/Services which You may purchase from Our Website.
    • Upon Our receipt of full payment (including any additional charges) of the Products/Services specified in Your Order, We will arrange the delivery or pick-up (as the case may be and where applicable) of the relevant Products/Services.
    • The original copy of the invoice for the transaction amount You paid for the Product(s) will be delivered to You at the same time of delivery or pick-up (as the case may be and where applicable) of the relevant Products/Services.
  6. Delivery of Product
    • Products will be delivered by Our personnel or other delivery service providers that We may engage from time to time. For detailed terms of the delivery services, please refer to the official documents issued by the delivery service provider. The delivery staff will try their best to confirm the delivery time with You before delivery. We offer You the service of self-collection at Our designated locations on terms and conditions determined in Our absolute discretion.
    • If you choose the delivery service in your order to purchase our Products (“Order”), we or other delivery service providers we may engage from time to time will confirm the date, agreed by you and us, of delivery or pick-up of the Products in your Order (“Delivery Date”) and time with you by email. Please note that there is no delivery service on Sundays and public holidays.
    • Delivery service is currently only available in Hong Kong, including Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, New Territories, Tung Chung, Ma Wan and Discovery Bay, please contact us for details of delivery service arrangement.
    • Delivery service is not applicable to border and restricted areas, outlying islands (except Ma Wan, Discovery Bay and Tung Chung), Disneyland, warehouses, ships, public areas (such as: stations/streets/stairs, etc.) and areas where trucks are prohibited from entering.
    • Free delivery service will be offered if the Order amount exceeds HK$500 (calculated based on the post-discount payment amount (i.e. net amount)); if the Order does not qualify for free delivery, a delivery fee of HK$50 will be charged.
    • If for actual circumstances or other reasons, the courier is not able to deliver the Products to the address designated in your Order where the Products are delivered thereto (“Delivery Address”) as specified in your Order, the courier shall provide a delivery fee quote, for example, fee for stairs, based on actual circumstances of delivery. You shall pay the quoted delivery fee in cash to the courier on delivery.
    • If there is no one to receive the Product(s) at the time of delivery, the courier will call the contact person listed in the Order and make an appointment for the next delivery. If the delivery fails twice, the Product(s) will be returned to us, and you will be responsible for the cost of returning and re-delivering the Product(s).
    • We shall not be liable for any delay or failure in delivery that is caused by or resulting from accidents, traffic conditions, weather conditions or any other causes that are beyond our control.
    • Delivery services will be immediately suspended when the typhoon signal No.8 or above or black rainstorm signal is hoisted by the Hong Kong Observatory on the day of delivery. If the typhoon signal No.8 or above is cancelled, delivery service will be arranged on the next available day; if the black rainstorm signal is cancelled, the delivery service will be rescheduled by contacting you.
    • You can check the status of your Order on the Website. If you want to change your Order, please inform our Customer Service Department by email ([email protected]). We shall try our best to accommodate any such changes but are not obligated to do so.
    • If for any reason We find it necessary to amend the Delivery Date, We will notify You of the amended date as soon as possible. Estimated delivery times are for reference only. Under no circumstances shall We be liable for any advancement or delay (for whatever reason and whether or not You have been notified) in the Delivery Date.
    • If You have not provided Us with sufficient or precise instructions for delivery, without prejudice to any rights or remedy and at Our sole and absolute discretion, We may:
      1. keep the related Products until the actual Delivery Date, and charge you the fee for picking up the returned Products and a reasonable monthly storage fee (including any insurance costs incurred); or
      2. cancel your Order and charge you any additional expenses and losses incurred by us caused by insufficient and inaccurate information in the Order provided or your failure to receive the Products; or
      3. dispose of the unclaimed Products in any manner without any obligation or liability to you.
    • Upon delivery, we shall be deemed to have properly performed all obligations under the Contract, and the Products delivered shall be deemed to be correct and of satisfactory quality.
    • All risks in the Products shall pass to you immediately upon the Products being delivered to the Delivery Address; however we shall retain title in the Products until full payment has been received.
  7. Replacement Policy
    • We strive to provide You with high quality Products. If the Products You purchased need to be replaced due to quality problems, You must make request according to Our Replacement Policy. The remedy under the Replacement Policy is Your sole remedy in respect of any and all compensation, liabilities and damages caused by Product quality or specification.
    • In case of any dispute, we reserve the right of final decision.
  8. Warranty and Liability
    • Any conditions or warranties by statute, common law, trade custom, whether express or implied in any way or by other means, including warranties and representations of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of the Products, and any additional liability, compensation or indemnification, other than those provided for in these Terms and Conditions, are, insofar as permitted by Applicable Laws, expressly excluded.
    • If You use any personal password to gain access to this Website, We shall not be liable for any online or offline password management. You shall be solely responsible for ensuring that Your password is kept strictly confidential to prevent any unauthorized use. We shall not be liable for any loss or damages whatsoever cause by any third party gains unauthorized access to this Website by using Your password.
    • We give no warranty as to the accuracy of the information contained on this Website (in particular, digital images). We shall not be liable for any liability arising from any inaccuracy or inconsistency with product details of information contained on the Website, willful damages, negligence, operation under abnormal conditions, any use that does not abide by Our written or verbal guidelines, any incorrect use or damages caused by repair or modification made to the Products without receiving Our prior written approval. We reserve the right (but take no liability) to correct and rectify any typographical error or other error or omission, any sales information, quotation, price list, acceptance of offer, invoice, statement made during customer service or other document or information issued or released by Us on this Website from time to time.
    • You shall be responsible for ensuring the completeness, correctness and accuracy of all information provided in connection with Your Order, including without limitation, the Delivery Address, recipient information and payment details. We shall not be liable for any failure or delay in discharging Our obligations and/or performing Our duties under the Contract if such default is related to the incomplete, inaccurate and/or misleading information provided by You in respect of the Order. You undertake to indemnify and hold Us and relevant third parties harmless from and against all costs, losses and damages incurred or suffered as a result of Your provision of incomplete, incaccurate and/or misleading information in respect of the Order.
    • We shall not be liable for any losses, damages, costs and expenses directly or indirectly suffered by You (including but not limited to, loss of profits, loss of savings, loss of goodwill, loss of revenue or loss of contracts incurred by You, whether anticipated or actual, or any special indirect or consequential damages of any nature whatever) or any action, claims and proceedings taken against You by any third parties in connection with, incidental to and consequential upon the performance of Us in relation to these Terms and Conditions. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, to the extent permitted by Applicable Laws, Our total aggregate liability in contract, tort, equity or otherwise for any direct loss or damage arising out of or in connection with these Terms and Conditions shall be limited to the total amount paid by You in respect of the Product(s) arising with problems.
    • The quality, fitness for purpose and safety of the Product(s) are the responsibility and liability of the individual agents/vendors and/or manufacturers. We shall not be liable to such responsibilities.
    • Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on implied warranties, or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages. If these laws apply, some or all of the above disclaimers, exclusions, or limitations may not apply to You, and You hereby agree that Our liability to You (if any) shall apply to the fullest extent permitted by Applicable Laws.
    • If You are entitled to a replacement, return or refund of the Product(s) that have been delivered to You by virtue of any Applicable Laws, to the extent permitted by the Applicable Laws, You shall be responsible for all the costs and expenses (including but not limited to any tax or duty chargeable on such Product(s)) and paper works associated with returning the Product(s) to Our designated return address, which We shall advise You at the time of Our confirmation in writing that You may replace, return or refund such Product(s). For the avoidance of doubt, unless with Our prior confirmation in writing, We shall not process any request for replacement, return or refund of Product(s) for any Overseas order.
  9. Amendment of these Terms and Conditions
    • We have the right (but not the obligation) to amend, edit, or make any changes in any other form to these Terms and Conditions and any information, from time to time at Our sole discretion without notice to You.
    • Any changes or modification will be effective upon posting of these Terms and Conditions on the Website as revised, and the placing of Order through the Website following the posting constitutes Your acceptance of the revised Terms and Conditions.
  10. Force Majeure
    • If for any reason of events of force majeure, including fires, floods, casualties, accidents, disasters, natural disasters, any laws, orders, declarations, regulations, requests, or provisions issued by the government of Hong Kong or any government body, strikes, wage disputes, labour shortages or technician shortages, goods or raw materials shortages or lack of supply, shipping delays, or any other reasons beyond Our reasonable control, which render Us incapable of fulfilling Our responsibilities under the Website and/or these Terms and Conditions and/or any confirmed Orders, We shall not be liable whatsoever within the scope of such impact.
  11. Intellectual Property Rights
    • The sale or redemption of any Product(s) do not include any rights, titles, and interests of the respective Intellectual Property Rights in connection with such Product(s), unless separately specified in the end-user license agreement of the Product(s). At no time do all such copyrights or other Intellectual Property Rights belong to You. All forms of infringement of the Intellectual Property Rights of any Product are expressly forbidden. You shall be liable for all consequences arising from Your infringement and indemnify Us for such consequences.
  12. Personal Data
    • Please refer to Our Privacy Policy and Statement.
  13. General Terms
    • These Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and Statement and other rules and policies published on the Website, together with the Order and Order Confirmation shall constitute the entire agreement and understanding between You and Us in relation to the sale and purchase of the Products/Services and shall supersede all previous correspondence, understandings and agreements, between You and Us in respect of the same.
    • You shall not assign or transfer any rights or obligations under these Terms and Conditions or the Contract to any third party without Our prior consent thereto.
    • No failure or delay by Us in exercising any right, power or remedy under these Terms and Conditions or the Contract shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of the same preclude any further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or remedy. Without limiting the foregoing, no waiver by Us of any of Your breach of any provision of these Terms and Conditions or the Contract shall be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach of that or any other provision of the same.
    • The provisions contained in each clause of these Terms and Conditions shall be enforceable independently of each of the others and its validity shall not be affected if any of the others is invalid. In the event any provision of these Terms and Conditions is determined to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions shall not be affected and, in lieu of such illegal, invalid, or unenforceable provision, there shall be added as part of these Terms and Conditions one or more provisions as similar in terms as may be legal, valid and enforceable under the Applicable Laws.
  14. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
    • These Terms and Conditions and the Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong. You agree to irrevocably submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong in relation to any dispute arising out of or in connection with these Terms and Conditions and/or the Contract.