Personal Data (Privacy) Policy & Statement

    1. This Personal Data (Privacy) Policy & Statement describes the privacy policies and practices of Regal Silver Limited, a limited liability company duly incorporated in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (“Hong Kong”) and other companies directly or indirectly owned by Regal Silver Limited (collectively, “we”, “us”, “our”) in relation to the collection, use, retention, disclosure, transfer, security and access of personal information in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486 of the Laws of Hong Kong). When you browse or access our website ( (“Website”), purchase products through our Website or register to be a member of our royalty membership programme (collectively, “Services”), certain of your information will be collected. Please review this Personal Data (Privacy) Policy & Statement carefully before using our Services.
    2. If you are under the age of 18 or 21 years of age (depending on your jurisdiction), you must review this Personal Data (Privacy) Policy & Statement with your parent(s) or legal guardian to ensure that they read and agree to this Personal Data (Privacy) Policy & Statement on your behalf. By accessing our Services, you represent that you are either over 18 years or 21 years of age (depending on your jurisdiction) or otherwise your parent(s) or legal guardian have read and agreed to this Personal Data (Privacy) Policy & Statement on your behalf. You understand and agree that we are relying upon such representation in providing our Services to you.
    3. Protection of your personal information and use of your personal information properly and legally to serve you better are always our top priorities. We respect your rights on your personal information and only collect adequate (but not excessive) personal information from you in relation to lawful purposes directly related to our functions, activities or Services.
    4. We shall use our best endeavour to protect your personal information and keep your personal information accurate and up-to-date. If we have reasonable grounds for believing that your personal information is inaccurate, we shall either stop using such information or erase such information.
    5. We aim to be accountable, open and transparent in handling your personal information. We shall honour and update your request for access to, correction of or ceasing the use of your personal information in a professional and timely manner and in accordance with the applicable laws.
    6. If necessary, we shall update our Personal Data (Privacy) Policy & Statement from time to time at our sole discretion without any prior notice to you. Any changes or modifications to the Personal Data (Privacy) Policy & Statement shall become effective when they are published on the Website. Therefore, please visit this Personal Data (Privacy) Policy & Statement ([]) periodically. Your continued use of this Website and/or our Services and/or provision of your personal information to us constitute your acceptance to our Personal Data (Privacy) Policy & Statement in force at the relevant time.
    7. Nothing in this Personal Data (Privacy) Policy & Statement shall limit your rights under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486).
    8. This Personal Data (Privacy) Policy & Statement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the Hong Kong.
    1. In order for us to provide our Services to you, it is necessary for you to provide us with your personal information. Some of them are mandatory, for instance, basic personal information will be required in order to admit you as our member or arrange for delivery, return or exchange of products. If you are unable or unwilling to provide us with complete and correct personal information or other information as requested, we may not be able to admit you as our member or provide or continue to provide our Services to you. Information which we require includes:
      • your name, delivery or shipping address, email address, user name, password, date of birth, contact phone number and other registration information;
      • information about your preferences and interests;
      • transaction-related information, such as your order history, credit card information, delivery address, etc;
      • information you provide to us voluntarily, such as when you contact us for enquiries or feedback; and
      • other information related to your use of our Services.
    2. We, our agents, vendors, consultants and other services providers (“Services Providers”) may automatically receive or collect certain information from you when you access our Services utilising internal analytics technologies or other automatic tracking and analytic technologies (see below). Such information may include information concerning the below without limitation:
      • your connection to our Website, including the type of device you are using, browser information, operation system, name of the internet service provider, wireless carrier, internet protocol (IP) address, geographical location, etc.;
      • your interaction with our Website, including your browsing time, number of clicks, your clicks to links in our Website, pages viewed, how did you reach our Website, etc.;
      • information collected by our or third-parties’ cookies (see below);
      • your personal information;
    3. Any problems, feedback, suggestions or data, except for personal information, sent by or posted on the Website or any section of the Website by you to the Website are treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary information voluntarily provided to us. You hereby grant us the full and free right to autonomously use, reproduce, edit, disclose, transmit, publish, broadcast and/or post such (part or all of) data in other places, including but not limited to the provision of such data to any of our associated companies for the purposes of development, production, and promotion of products and Services and to satisfy customer needs.
    1. All the personal information provided by you to us may be used for all or any of the following purposes:
      • processing your application for membership;
      • providing you with the services under our membership program;
      • marketing of goods and/or premiums and/or services by us;
      • providing you with specially selected offers, promotions and benefits by us;
      • communication with you on all matters relating to your membership with us;
      • management, operation and maintenance of our membership program;
      • normal management, operation, and maintenance of our Website;
      • designing new or improving existing goods and/or premiums and/or Services provided by us;
      • processing your orders through the Website or our sales function, including verifying your payment details/status;;
      • providing necessary information to you with respect to our products and/or Services;
      • arranging for delivery, collection, pick-up, return or exchange of products ordered or purchased by you;
      • making suggestions to you for other products which we believe you will be interested in;
      • responding to and evaluating your enquiries, comments and feedback;
      • understanding how people use our Website and Services;
      • targeting advertisements on Website that are relevant to your interests;
      • for direct marketing purposes subject to your separate consent;
      • investigating complaints or suspicious transactions;
      • preventing or detecting criminal, improper or unethical activities;
      • any disclosure as required by applicable laws and/or rules and/or regulations;
      • performing statistical analysis and/or research for improving our Services and for internal staff training and evaluation purposes; and
      • other purposes related or incidental to all or any of the above purposes.
    2. For purposes set out in sub-paragraph 3.1 and subject to paragraph 4, we may share your information:
      • with the Services Providers (whether in Hong Kong or abroad) in connection with their work on our behalf;
      • with companies under us;
      • to our transferees or assigns in the event of a change of ownership (to use, hold, process or retain your personal data for the purposes mentioned herein); and
      • with other enforcement or governmental bodies to comply with applicable laws or valid court orders.

      Services Providers may include but not limited to third party reward, loyalty or privilege programs providers, co-branding or cross-marketing retail partners or charitable or non-profit making organizations, external service providers (which include but not limited to our agents, contractors, sub-contractors, telecommunication operators, mailing providers, direct sales agents, telemarketing providers, call centres, data processing providers and information technology providers), and any other party under a duty of confidentiality to us. Services Providers are under contractual duties to collect, use, store, handle your personal information only in accordance with our instructions and for our purposes but not otherwise.

    1. We intend to use your personal information for direct marketing purposes (whether by post, email, phone, SMS, or other media whether now known or available in the future). However, we will only do so with your consent.
    2. Provided that you consent to our use of your personal information for direct marketing purposes, we intend to use the following personal information for marketing goods and/or Services and/or subjects mentioned in sub-paragraph 4.3 below:
      • your name;
      • your address;
      • your phone number;
      • your email address;
      • your goods and services consumption pattern; and
      • other information provided by you in the membership application form (if applicable).
    3. In particular, your personal information may be used for marketing the following goods and/or services and/or subjects:
      • electrical appliances and electronic products and related good, accessories and services;
      • beauty, facecare and personal care products and related goods, accessories and services;
      • household and lifestyle products and related goods, accessories and services;
      • grooming and related goods, accessories and services;
      • hair, hair treatment products and related goods, accessories and services;
      • other goods for sale in shops operated by us;
      • reward, loyalty or privilege programs and related goods and services; or
      • donations or contributions for charitable and/or non-profit making purposes.
    4. In addition to marketing the above goods, services and subjects by us, we also intend to provide your data mentioned in sub-paragraph 4.2 above to companies under us for use by them in marketing those goods, services and subjects and we may not so provide your personal information unless with your consent.
    5. If you do not wish us to use or provide to other persons for use all or any of your personal information in direct marketing for all or any of the goods, services and subjects as described above, you may exercise your opt-out right by writing to us at the email address mentioned at the end of this Personal Data (Privacy) Policy & Statement. Please note that you may give selective consent to (i) the kinds of personal information that we may use; (ii) the classes of marketing subjects; and (iii) the classes of data transferees (however, you acknowledge and understand that we may not provide our Services to you if such data transfer(s) are necessary for us to provide our Services).
    The Website may include or contain links to other websites and webpages. Each time you activate any such linked webpage, such as by clicking any links of third parties on our Website, you will leave our Website. Any personal information or any other data which you provide to any other organisation after you leave the Website are not within our scope of control. This Personal Data (Privacy) Policy & Statement is not applicable to other organisations or websites.
    You have the right to:

    • check whether we hold any of your personal information;
    • access your personal information held by us;
    • require us to correct your personal information which is inaccurate, or delete your personal information;
    • ascertain our policies and practices (from time to time) in relation to personal information and the type of personal information held by us; and
    • opt-out from allowing us or other parties to use your personal information for direct marketing, please see paragraph 4 above.

    Any request in relation to the above shall be in writing to us at the email address mentioned at the end of this Personal Data (Privacy) Policy & Statement.

    1. We will make every reasonable effort to ensure that all personal information held by us is stored in a safe and secure environment and is guarded against unauthorised or accidental access, processing, erasure or other use. We maintain appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect the personal data you provide to us against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, authorized disclosure of, or access to your personal data.
    2. Your personal information will not be retained by us for longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.
    1. Cookies are text files that your computer or mobile device keeps. Cookies make web-browsing easier for you by saving your preferences so that we can use the saved information to facilitate and improve your use of our Website and Services. In particular, we may use cookies or similar technology in the Website in order to:
      • strengthen security measures;
      • allow visitors to the Website to continue browsing the Website;
      • customise the Website according to the needs of individual customers for personalised usage, such as to store user preferences, store and retrieve login information on your computer and personalise contents and offers for your interests; and
      • build data on information of visitors to the Website.
    2. The types of data we may collect from you by using cookies or similar technology in the Website include:
      • information about the type of browser you use;
      • details of the web pages you have viewed;
      • your IP address;
      • the hyperlinks you have clicked; and
      • the websites you visited before arriving at our Site.
    3. If you do not wish to allow the use of cookies, please make the necessary adjustments to your internet browser settings by disabling cookies on your computer. However, by disabling cookies, you may not be able to use certain features on the Website or our Services and may not receive advertising or other offers from us that are relevant to your interests and needs.
    4. We maintain our own official pages on various social media platforms and when you visit these pages by clicking the links from our Website. The provider of the social media platforms may track on your browser or device, and we are not responsible for, the privacy, information or other practices of any third parties, including any third party operator or provider of the social media platforms links. The inclusion of such links on the Website do not imply endorsement of the linked site or service by us.
    All requests for access to, correction or deletion of personal information, regarding policies and practices and types of personal information held should be in writing and addressed to:
    Personal Data Protection Officer
    Regal Silver Limited
    [email protected]
    In accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486), we have the right to charge you a reasonable fee for the processing of any personal data access request.