Paige Luminous™ held its third “Timeless Sharing Session” on June 10th, once again featuring renowned makeup artist Zita Chan and popular DJ and former Cookies member Ms Angela Au to share their skincare insights.

Angela specially asked Zita: “Many celebrities cleanse their skin, then apply a mask, and finally do their makeup before a job. Won’t this regimen overburden the skin?”

Zita smiled and said that whether male or female celebrities, in order to make their makeup look more fitting, they need to spend some effort enhancing their skin’s glow and firmness before applying makeup. By using the Combo function of the Paige Luminous™ Timeless beauty device, one can complete moisturizing, lifting, and other procedures within five minutes, upgrading facial skin quality and making makeup look more natural and longer-lasting!

If you want to understand the different features of Paige Luminous™ Timeless, remember to follow our FB or IG page. We will introduce more skincare and beauty tips~